Dinoflex - Rubber Reimagined
Color Innovator by Dinoflex

Toll Free : 877-713-1899 | Direct : 250-832-7780



Keep livestock and pets safe, clean, and healthy with Dinoflex’s animal-friendly mat. Our non-vulcanized process creates tough, odorless mats without the use of harmful solvents or VOCs, making them safe for indoor and outdoor use. Dense rubber creates an anti-slip surface making for easy clean-up of biowaste, dirt, and debris. Whether it’s treating a sick or injured animal or keeping them healthy, Dinoflex Barn Mats have it covered.

Protect your herd.
Protect your investment

Vulca-NO! Barn Mat can benefit your livestock by offering ergonomic comfort that protects hooves and joints.



Easy to clean Relieves inflammation from injury or arthritis
Ergonomic Reduce costly injuries from slips and falls
Extremely dense Hygienic conditions for healthier animals
Great traction - wet or dry Reduce long term costs of replacing degrading footing & bedding
Non-vulcanized Safe for use in enclosed spaces with no odor
Sustainably harvested cork granules Eliminates the need for non-slip matting

Size options

48″ x 72″ (121.92cm x 182.88cm)

Standard thickness
7mm (9/32”), 12mm (1/2”), 15mm (19/32”), 20mm (25/32″)

Techncial specs