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Top 6 uses of rubber mat flooring

Recycled rubber is a versatile flooring option that works exceptionally well in a variety of environments. Here are six of the most common applications for recycled rubber flooring, complemented with our most suitable recycled rubber flooring options.

Top 6 uses of rubber mat flooring

The best recycled rubber flooring mats for every purpose

Recycled rubber flooring is used in all kinds of spaces of different sizes, both indoor and outdoor. Read on below for the most common applications of recycled rubber flooring.

Gyms: Recycled rubber flooring provides the tough, shock-absorbing layer needed to protect floors, equipment and people in high-impact environments characteristic of home gyms and fitness centers. At Dinoflex, we offer several flooring solutions for gyms of all sizes, including our Sport Mat, Vulca-NO!, Stride Fitness Tiles and Next Step High Impact. 

Commercial spaces: Heavy foot traffic and stringent cleaning requirements dictate what kinds of flooring can be used in commercial spaces. In addition to the durability required to cater for these needs, commercial flooring must also meet a high aesthetic standard and a variety of design needs. It’s a tall order for which recycled rubber flooring offers all that is needed, and more. Our Evolution Commercial Flooring has been developed with commercial spaces in mind.

Sporting venues: Be it ski resorts or ice rinks, every sporting venue can make use of recycled rubber flooring. Ideal for high traction areas where shock absorption is needed but also exhibiting excellent performance in wet and dry conditions, makes recycled rubber flooring the ideal choice to support athletic activities of all kinds. Our Sport Mat, Vulca-NO! Sport, and Next Step ranges are all ideal options for your sporting facility.

Decks and walkways: Both decorative and durable, recycled rubber flooring mats are an excellent choice for outdoor locations such as decks, walkways and even roofs. Being an all-weather solution these tiles can be worked into your designs for landscapes, gardens and outside entertainment areas. For decks and walkways, we have created a range of outdoor recycled rubber tiles called NuVista, which provide superior traction and noise reduction for these exterior surfaces.

Children’s play areas: Recycled rubber play tiles are water permeable and slip-resistant, providing a comfortable and durable surface on which children can play safely. Check out our Playtiles, a recycled rubber flooring product designed especially for play areas and playgrounds. 

Barns and animal enclosures: Flooring mats made from recycled, non-vulcanized recycled rubber are tough, odourless and safe for indoor and outdoor use in animal habitats. The dense rubber is easy to clean, provides a non-slip surface for livestock to walk on and facilitates a hygienic environment for animals and the people who care for them. A special addition to our Vulca-NO! range, our Barn Mats create a sure footing for walkways and standing areas for barns, livestock haulers, veterinary clinics, and more.

For more information on all of our recycled rubber mat flooring solutions, contact us here at Dinoflex.